Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to the East to West: Goku vs Superman blog. This blog is going to be dedicated to comic books and anime. First let me give you a brief history on how I acquire this passion. When I was a boy, my parents introduce me into comic books. They weren’t your traditional comics, just children stories with Batman and Superman as the main characters. My mom would read them to me all the time. I was fortunate to grow up during a time where Superman the animated series was on television weekly. I don’t know if you know how awesome that is for a 7 year old kid but I will tell you … very!  This is how my passion sparked. When my mom brought me the Superman VHS (you know the cassette tape you had to rewind) I would watch it over and over again. Honestly, Clark Kent is half of the reason I am journalism major. During this same time I had another growing passion, Dragon Ball Z. Like many kids growing up in the late 90s, I was introduce to Goku and the Z fighters, along with some other awesome animes, by Cartoon Network’s Toonami. Unlike Superman stories which were very tame, DBZ was a whole new monster. A couple major differences were these characters had ultra violent and some even died. In the American comic book and anime communities, Goku and Superman are both legends in their respective genres.

My plan for this blog is give up the reader my opinions and analysis on different topics in the community. This includes but no limited to character analysis, deconstructions of story plot, movie reviews and history of particular events or characters. I also want to talk about how these genres addressed social issues in past and now. Through these different posts, I hope for my audience can see my passion through my eyes. Well I sure do hope you will enjoy this as I will.

East-to-West signing out.

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